

I AMness

なんとなくウィルバーのWitnessを探しているとYouTubeで、彼が詩の朗読のような感じでアイアムネス、アイアムネスと繰り返している動画に遭遇しました。これはI amにness をつけた言葉に違いないと思ったので、すぐに興味を持ちました。調べていくうちに次のような詩(?)であることが分かりました。7行読んだところで「はっ」とし、涙が出そうになりました。これ以上読まなくでも意味が感じ取れたからでした。以下その文章を掲載します。

Notice your present awareness.

Notice the objects arising in your awareness – the images and thoughts arising in your mind, the feelings and sensations arising in your body, the myriad objects arising around you in the room or environment. All of these are objects arising in your awareness.

Now think about what was in your awareness 5 minutes ago. Most of the thoughts have changed, most of the bodily sensations have changed … but something has not changed. Something in you is the same as now as it was 5 minutes ago. What is present now that was present 5 minutes ago?

I AMness. The feeling-awareness of I AMness is still present. I am that ever-present I AMness. That I AMness is present now, it was present a moment ago … it was present 5 minutes ago.
What was present 5 hours ago?

I AMness. That sense of I AMness is an ongoing self-knowing, self-recognizing, self-validating I AMness.

What was present 5 years ago?

I AMness. So many objects have come and gone, so many feelings have come and gone, so many thoughts have come and gone … But one thing has not come, and one thing has not gone. … This timeless, ever-present feeling of I AMness is present now as it was 5 years ago.

What was present 5 centuries ago?

All that is every-present is I AMness. Every person feels this same I AMness – because it is not a body, it is not a thought, it is not an object, it is not the environment, it not anything that can be seen, but rather is the ever-present Seer, the ongoing open and empty Witness of that is arising, in any person, in any world, in any place, in any time, in all the worlds until the end of time, there is only and always this obvious and immediate I AMness. There is only and always this radiant, self-knowing, self-feeling, self-transcending I AMness, whether present now, 5 minutes ago, 5 hours ago, 5 centuries ago.

5 Millennia ago?
